
If only If Only

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Here comes.... Weight Loss!

Hey everybody!  I'm back! (This is the part of the story where you applaud).  Sorry for the lack of posts in recent months, laziness affects more and more people each year (we need to raise awareness).  The good thing is, Operation BANE is back into effect.  I gained some weight back, but hey, its coming off.  I joined 24 Hour Fitness and got myself a trainer.  I started at 309lbs (uh-oh), but hey! I'm making a comeback.  Even though there is a definite ebb and flow of workout schedules and eating right, I'm still making progress. I'm down to 291 (Holy 18lbs Batman!).  The 290 threshold, or wall as runners would say, is going down this week, I can feel it.  When I first started this blog, I doubt that I was "in it to win it"(ABC Family, don't sue me for copyright infringement.  Eating right is a hard thing to do, but I'm starting to get a hold of it.  With a trainer and a new plan of attack, be ready to see some results.  Plus side, I can bench 200lbs and can hold a 165lb person over my head (Bane style.... hence the name).  The mental side of the game has been the hardest part for me lately.  Life is full of crap, and it gets heaped on all the time.  To a guy like me, who eats when he feels sad or down, that causes problems.  Emotions get in the way, and next thing you know, your balls deep in some chicken mcnuggets (not me though, 6 weeks off soda or fast food).  But, I think something has changed, because I'm starting to recognize the problems arising, and hopefully, I can be preemptive and stop any negative repercussions.  To anyone out there who feels trapped or they can't see a goal through, let me tell you, just keep going at it.  I'll admit, I've gone a little nuts in my time.  A few weeks ago I took down like 4 Chipotle Burritos in 2 days (Damn you delicious flavors).  Whereas I would spiral down in the past (hence a few months of not blogging), I treat every day separately.  I try to get back on the train the next day, and it makes you feel good inside.

Workout Notes:
So lately I've tried something fun and its working.  Every day (weekends count as a day) I get on the elliptical for 45 in to an hour.  At first, it sucked, I won't lie to you.  After a while though, I started looking forward to it.  Now, I love the elliptical.  I still can't run for a while (knee surgery), but when I start again, you bet your ass I'm gonna be working my butt up and down that field.  I'm so pumped for Rugby to start up again.

Have a great day readers!  Make every day count, and remember: The only mistake you'll ever make is not learning from your mistakes.

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